Store (State Level)

  • home Store (State Level)

Store (State Level)

At each employing location within the Covered Concepts, the Company shall cause to be posted and maintained a notice to all employees identifying the job titles and minimum requirements as described in Section XVII for each waiter/waitress (server), Department Level Management position, Store Level Management position, and Division Level Management position.

Store Level Management

State Level Monitoring Cell

means the body constituted by the State Government for the control and elimination of ragging in institutions within the jurisdiction of the State, established under a State Law or on the advice of the Central Government, as the case may be.

Targeted case management

means services that assist a beneficiary to access needed 2 medical, educational, social, prevocational, vocational, rehabilitative, or other community services. The 3 service activities may include, but are not limited to, communication, coordination and referral;

Environmental and Social Management Framework

and “ESMF” means the Recipient’s framework dated November 30, 2010, which: (i) sets forth standards, methods and procedures specifying how technological research activities under the Project whose location, number and scale are presently unknown shall systematically address environmental and social issues in the screening and categorization, sitting, design, implementation and monitoring phases during Project implementation; (ii) systematizes the environmental and social impact assessment required for such activities before Project execution; and (iii) stipulates the procedures for conducting site-specific environmental impact assessments, be they limited environmental impact assessments or full environmental impact assessment.