MPOS / POS Solution

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What is a MPOS solution?

Mobile point of sale or mPOS is a dedicated device like a smartphone or tablet that functions as a cash register. It is an ideal way for food trucks, home and repair services, market vendors, etc. to accept credit card payments instantly. The mPOS wallet solution requires a credit card & debit card reader, internet connection, and a device to download the app to carry out transactions. So, we can say that a mPOS or mobile point-of-sale system is the combination of software and hardware used to centralise business management.

Time saving
Effective employee management
Fast and secure
Optimized checkout

Advantages of mPOS solution for retail stores

Time saving

Increased employee comfort and the potential for improved employee performance is one of the major advantages of mPOS. For store associates, operating large or bulky POS equipment can be uncomfortable and may lead to mistakes or damaged merchandise. mPOS solutions can be used anywhere and are easy to set up. Since they require minimal counter space, there is typically room to display impulse items or signage in an organized and pleasing manner.

Effective employee management

Today’s customers are having very high expectations from the sales executives. They want the sales executives to have an in-depth knowledge of everything like what an eCommerce platform is having such as costs, features and benefits of a product. Here mPOS solution is extremely helpful to the retailers. The mPOS solution provides all the essential details on the fingertips of sales representatives. Sales representatives can help a customer check our other things that fit well with the customer’s purchase. In this way, mPOS solutions can help you enhance the customer’s experience and build a positive perception of your business. This drives greater sales opportunities.

Fast and secure

mPOS solution provides a well-organized checkout area that helps the sales staff to serve the customers more quickly. Besides this, a robust mPOS solution supports multiple contactless payment options powered by Near Field Communications used in popular mobile wallets. Apart from this, mPOS tablets and other devices accept electromagnetic chip cards that provide protection against fraudulent payment transactions. Furthermore, an mPOS solution also contains a scanner that enables the sales associates to scan codes from a physical or digital coupon. Sales representatives can use mPOS solutions to redeem the loyalty points at the time of billing so that customers can directly get a cashback or other relevant reward.

Optimized checkout

The process at the checkout counter could speed up thanks to the barcode scanner. In an eye blink, all information about picked products will be sent straight to the system. Based on the total transaction value, cashiers reward shoppers with points to leverage them for the next purchase. This action will happen when your stores run a Loyalty program to keep the customer coming to your stores again and again. With the functions integrated with Loyalty Program and various Payment Gate-away, POS supports your stores better market to clients by encouraging them to use reward points or gift cards to purchase in the next time.